Today we wanted to drive around Wadi Rum again and of course also this time, because there were a few good spots to look for scorpions. But first we look for something to the left of Wadi Rum.
And this is our Route today...
We are here on the left side of Wadi Rum.
An awesome place but no animals here.

So get into Wadi Rum and see how far we can get with our car.
We drove down Wadi Rum Road and stopped at the Tourist Center. There we used our Jordan Pass for the first time. There was also a souvenir shop there and I bought a cap in my favorite color like every holiday.
You should book this Jordan Pass in advance online. It replaces the visa and various entrance fees to sights. It is available in different variants and makes the process easier without cash and is also cheaper than paying for everything individually on site.
So lets ride inside...
A wonderful contrast with the road and a very great feeling to be in here.
We drove to Wadi Rum Village Park and stopped short because we were waved and asked which tour we have. We said none. They asked if we wanted one. We said no thanks and drove further into the village.
In the middle of the village, a very large pick-up suddenly drove up next to us and asked where we were going. We said to Wadi Rum ahead and drove on. After a few meters he passed us at high speed, made the tires squeal, stood level on the road and blocked our path. He got out, came to us and said we couldn't go any further. We asked why. He said we need to book a tour. We refused and said we would call the police if he continued to harass us. He drove away and we continued. After a few meters of driving, the road ended and it looked like we couldn't go any further, since the desert sand can only be driven on with certain off-road vehicles. A pity - but a great experience.
So we drove back and searched for some animals along the Road.
We drove towards Al Ghal and stopped at one point to look for scorpions.
What a country!
Crab spider / Spider
Sinai Agama
It went on Al Ghal. We slowly drove a lap, were at the end of the village and stopped for a moment. Villagers saw us immediately, waved, came over and asked us for tea. Of course we couldn't say no and accepted the invitation. I'm always a bit cautious and had to relax a bit first. We sat down in the tent and there were more and more. After 15 minutes we sat there with 15 villagers and drank tea, smoked my cigarillo and laughed. An English teacher was also present to facilitate communication.
At some point they asked what we are doing here. We said we were looking for scorpions here and they were hooked. For 50€ we can drive through the Wadi Rum. Unfortunately we didn't have that much money and went on foot. They took us into the grounds and we searched for a few hours.
Unfortunately we didn't find any. It was getting dark and we searched in an old shed in the village and found one Androctonus crassicauda. Unfortunately the only find. It's November and the scorpions are hiding. Hibernation.
We said goodbye and said we'd be back at another time of the year and we'd keep in touch. They were happy and we took a picture.
On the way back I stopped randomly at the side of the road on a sandy little area to route the trail. But unfortunately the journey didn't go on straight away, because we got stuck. The tires were spinning...
After a few minutes, a few well-dressed locals pulled up in a pickup truck. They wanted to help us but only for had to be. I refused to pay for the assistance and waited to see the well-dressed Jordanians react. They didn't look like they were short of money. They wanted to drive so I negotiated down to half. I was a bit disappointed but that's the way it is.
After they pulled us out we drove on and stopped at a side road to look for scorpions.
We found nothing but we kept looking. A little way away was a small, lighted village. Suddenly a man screamed and another man screamed back. There were 3 shots, we ducked and it was quiet. We stayed on the ground for a few minutes and kept looking...20 minutes later we drove to another location somewhere in Wadi Rum and after a few meters I found Buthacus sp.
Buthacus sp.?
We drove back to yesterday's search site and found what we were looking for.
Leiurus hebraeus
When I later checked the scorpions in the accommodation, I noticed again that this was not Buthacus sp. because they do not agree taxonomically. That needs to be checked again and better.
Yes, an eventful day. We made new friends and had a lot of fun. Tomorrow we are in Dana.