Yeah, around noon we drove about 2 hours further north...
Parque Natural Sierra de Andujar
We wanted to hike a bit, take photos and maybe see lynxes.
Rio Jandula
If we had known beforehand that there were barbecue stations here, then...
We continue walkin. The sun was burning and a light wind blew.
A few long exposures of the beautiful Rio Jalunda...
Yes, 3 hours were over and now we are going to Baeza...1 hour driving.
Nissan Qashqai
Baeza's historic old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Plaza del Pópulo
Just around the corner to Plaza de la Constitución, for a small snack.
Plaza de la Constitución
Ok, it is now 17:30 and we are driving to our new accommodation in Guadix and don't want to be late.
But after an hour's drive we just had to get out to enjoy the scenery.
A little photo shoot.
A bit darker please...
And for this picture I have 3 versions...I loved them all!
What a beautiful road and landscape. There were no cars. It was quiet and had a very special atmosphere. We felt alive - But we must move on.
Cuevas de Maria
Unser Cave-Apartment. The bedroom, or rather the sleeping corridor, was a few meters further back and contained 5 beds. There were thick duvets must get cold here. Very comfortable, clean and well furnished. Everything was there except we quickly went shopping at Mercadona.
Let´s cook...
Well fed, we looked for scorpions a little further away and found some.
Tomorrow we will be in the Taberna desert.
#ParqueNaturalSierradeAndujar #Baeza #RioJandula #Lynx #MiradorElPeregrino #ÁreaRecreativadelEncinarejo #SierraMorena #LongExposures #UNESCOWorldHeritageSite #PlazadelPópulo #AntiguaCarnicería #PlazadelaConstitución #PaseodelaConstitución #GR-3140 #CuevasdeMaria #Mercadona #CaveApartment #Scorpion #Buthus