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  • Writer's pictureVietnam, 05/2018 | Asia

7th Day: Sapa relaxed & back to Hanoi

Updated: Aug 8

Because Amanda isn't feeling well yet, we just drive around Sapa a bit. Take a few photos, relax and slow down.

We drove east for about 20 minutes near the Điểm check-in in Lao Chai. It was slightly rainy and foggy.

Another place...


10 minutes later we stopped at the road and took a path into the jungle.

A beautiful place.

Bug / Assassin Bug

Raphiocarpus petelotii

We drove back to the Samu Green Hotel. Amanda was feeling a little better and we packed our things for the sleeper bus back to Hanoi.

We left Sun Plaza Station at 15:00.


We should be at our regular hotel, the Hanoi Lucky II Hotel, at around 21:30 because our suitcases are there. We'll just quickly pack some new things and prepare for the trip to Ninh Binh tomorrow. There will be a lot to see.

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